Legislative Update 2-1-18

Dear Association Members:

I just returned from the Capitol a few minutes ago with some semi good news. I was assured by a high-ranking Senator that the proposed $650.00 raise will be in the budget with no stipulations. He also assured me they are continuing to look for more money that might come our way, but with no guarantee. Some other positive conversation included talk among legislators to start funding the Merit pay grid in the near future, as they feel they can do that at the same cost they are spending to replace employees and training cost. This is something we have been lobbying in favor of for years. While I know it’s not nearly what officers deserve, it is most positive news I have to report at this time. I will keep you updated as the Legislative session progresses.

Keep in mind the Governor would have the power to withhold these funds, however my instincts tell me he probably wouldn’t do that.

Gary Gross MOCOA Director